Wildfires scorched over 8.7 million acres in the U.S. and were some of the world’s costliest natural disasters in 2020.
What if we gave first responders the information needed, in real time, to employ their resources more effectively and manage fires more efficiently than ever before?
Cornea supports those who are entrusted to come to our rescue.

The devices all around us, including those in our hands, generate billions of data points every day.
What if we give cities insights from that data to help them improve mobility, reduce inequality, and lower carbon emissions?
Camber organizes a global data feed to discern how individuals interact with their environments—yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Almost 80 percent of our health outcomes are driven by factors outside the clinical space.
What if we could extend a person’s health and wellness beyond the four walls of traditional medical facilities?
Roster deploys community members alongside technology to help the most underserved patients stay healthy and happy.

How can the potential for future work help finance education in a way that avoids debt?
Outcome supports the creation and expansion of inclusive, sustainable, Income Share Agreement (ISA) and Deferred Tuition Agreement (DTA) programs.